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In this book, care is examined as a central concept in architectural research. By analysing communities through the lens of care, we uncover the intricate web of relationships that shape and sustain social environments. This work seeks to identify and interpret care from various theoretical perspectives, critically engaging with its significance to both architecture and society.

In architectural practice, care involves a mindful, empathetic approach that goes beyond function to meet deeper needs, fostering spaces that respect human, animal, and environmental wellbeing. Care, as a way of being, makes life habitable and meaningful, challenging architects to create spaces that do not exploit but instead nurture connections. Taking responsibility for our built environments provides tangible proof of care’s presence in our lives, influencing the social fabric and ecological balance.

Through diverse frameworks and critical reflections, this book invites readers to reconsider the role of “care” in architecture. It challenges conventional design thinking and encourages a fresh narrative about how we perceive, inhabit and narrate the city. This exploration of care offers an essential contribution to contemporary architectural discourse, bridging the gap between theory and practice in the pursuit of spaces that support an interconnected and radically sustainable future.

Nadia Bertolino
Architecture(s) of care
Autonomy, collaboration and transformative action in radical communities - Volume 1
isbn 9788862429283
book series Alleli | Research
number 178
current edition 11 / 2024
language English
size 14,8x21cm
pages 176
print color
binding paperback
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the author
Nadia Bertolino, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in Architectural Design at the University of Pavia. Her research focuses on ethical design practices in response to socio-spatial inequalities and environmental emergency. Her approach to "space" as an ever changing, often unbalanced s...

Nadia Bertolino, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in Architectural Design at the University of Pavia. Her research focuses on ethical design practices in response to socio-spatial inequalities and environmental emergency. Her approach to "space" as an ever changing, often unbalanced system of social changes, political negotiations and architectural propositions is positioned at the cross-boundary between architecture and the social sciences. She is dedicated to establishing links with local communities and engaging third-sector institutions in her action research projects, such as "Architecture of Care," which emphasizes collaborative, socially engaged architectural practice. Previously, she served as Department Head of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion at Northumbria University, where she also coordinated the Architectural Humanities thematic strand across both undergraduate and postgraduate curricula. At the Sheffield School of Architecture, Bertolino was Programme Director of the Master’s in Architectural Design. Her publications include "Home and Community" (Routledge, 2018) and "Architettura e Rivoluzione" (Maggioli, 2022). Her commitment to inclusive education was recognised with a nomination for the Student-led Teaching Award in 2023.

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