Four interior designs of different size [small, medium, large, extra large], from 2003 to 2013, told by three cross-writing: drawings, words and images outline a personal research. Projects based on a poetical-emotional path, detached from useless modern virtuosities, face the boundary between matter and space. Thirteen writing, re-writing and interpretation works, of as many authors of different background, complete the reading key.
With contributions by:
Angelo Aloisi (Fotografo), Domitilla Dardi (Storica del Design) Marta Laudani (Architetto/Designer), Dario Lusso (Architetto),
Mario Paolo Magini/Voldben (Psicoterapeuta/Dj), Francesco Melone (Artista), Tomaso Pessina (Regista),
Filippo Piferi/Patrizia Di Costanzo (Architetti), Emmanuele Jonathan Pilia (Critico di Architettura), Cristina Senatore (Illustratrice), Beniamino Servino (Architetto), Gloria Valente (Architetto)
Introduction Cherubino Gambardella